Building Safety and Zoning
Your City Building Official is: Mandy Galli. If you have questions call - Phone: 218-254-7906 or Fax: 218-254-7955. Email: LOCATION: Chisholm City Hall, 316 W. Lake Street, 2nd floor.
Your Local MN Electrical Inspector is: Bruce Bonicatto
Phone: (218) 780-5014
For your convenience more information on Building Codes and Electrical Codes can be found on the next page & the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry web link as follows:
Generally, owners occupying a dwelling may obtain permits and do construction work. Licenses are required for all residential building contractors and residential re-modelers who contract with a homeowner to construct or improve dwelling. Owners working on their own property must also be licensed if they build or remodel for the sole purpose of speculation or resale.
Contact the Building Official for specific questions.
Chisholm City Hall, Attn: Building Safety Dept. Mandy Galli,
316 West Lake Street, Chisholm, MN 55719