City Departments

There are many ways that the City of Chisholm works to serve the community.  The following are the major departments of the city, including a description of their main functions. 
If you need information on or assistance with a particular city function or service, these sections of the website should be helpful to you.

City Administrator: Contact the City Administrator at (218) 254-7960

City/County Assessor: Saint Louis County serves in the capacity of city assessor where they provide appraisal services for all properties in the city along with processing homestead credits. All contacts will be through the Virginia, Minnesota Office and they may be telephoned at (800) 450-9777 Ext 7147.

City Building Official/Zoning Administrator: The building official provides services related to building inspections in accordance with the State Building Code and permits for various city zoning items such as rezoning, variances, conditional uses and regular zoning permits. Contact (218) 254-7906.

City Business & Utilities Office (City Clerk-Treasurer): The City Business & Utilities Offices handle the daily business operations of the City. Contact (218) 254-7910 Administration, 254-7902 Finance-Accounting and 254-7905 Public Utilities. 

City Engineer: James Johnson (218) 254-7907 (218) 254-7955  E mail  

Public Safety (Police/Fire/Ambulance): Chisholm has a fully staffed police department, a volunteer fire department and a paid-on-call ambulance service (contracted).  The Police Department telephone is (218) 254-7915. The departments are managed by a Police Chief, Fire Chief at (218) 254-7921 and the Ambulance Director available at (218) 254-7902.

Public Works: Responsible for the streets, water, sewer and garbage utilities along with infrastructure of the City. Contact our Supervisor of Public Works at (218) 254-7920. 

Public Library:  The City of Chisholm's Public Library is located at 300 West Lake Street, Contact (218) 254-7913. The Chisholm Public Library is a member of the Arrowhead Library System.

Economic Development Authority: Responsible for assisting new and existing businesses looking to expand in Chisholm. Contact our EDA Office at (218) 254-7960. Also please visit our Economic Development Authority website at the State of Minnesota - DEED:

Parks, Trails, & Recreation Services: Responsible for providing recreational programs for the City of Chisholm and Balkan Township. Amenities, programs and operations are year-round with activities and sports for all age groups. Contact the Parks, Trails, & Recreation Director at 254-7909.

Chisholm Ice Arena: The Arena is operated by the Chisholm Blue Line Club. The Club provides services for the community on a year-round basis. During the winter season, there is hockey, figure skating, free style/open skating as well as school programs. During the summer, there is roller skating and recreational programs. The arena may be reached at (218) 254-7919.

Chisholm Curling Club: Operated by the Chisholm Curling Club (a community-based organization) which provides curling during the winter months for the community and school programs. During the summer, there are recreational programs hosted by the Parks, Trails, & Recreation Department at the club. The curling club may be reached at (218) 254-7923.

City Cable Access [Mediacom Channel 13]: is operated by Mesabi Community Television which provides an opportunity for local television programming. The access channel contact  is Steve Rohkola Phone: 320-292-2000.