Adult Volleyball
Co-Rec Sand Volleyball Leagues
1. Team Captains must register team. Registration requires payment, thus only the Team Captain should register team. A one time team registration fee of $85/team will be charged. Please pay online.
2. Upon registration, complete the team's roster/waiver/release of liability, see below for waiver. This must be completed with signatures from all players before the first game. Teams cannot play without roster/waiver/release of liability submitted.
Roster/Waiver/Release of Liability: Teams are limited to 12 players per roster. Completed rosters are due by 5/24/24. All players must have read and signed the waiver. This is an adult league, but we allow some players under the age of 18 who have a parent/guardian sign the waiver. To note: the nature of adult rec league sports is different in atmosphere to youth sports. Parents should be aware of the adult setting and accept responsibly for allowing teens to participate. Adding new players to roster must be done by 6/14/24. Updated/new rosters and signature page must be submitted to Parks/Rec office by 6/14/24.
3.Online registrations and fees due by Noon, May 24, 2024.
Gold Division is a higher skilled/ranked division.
Silver Division is a lesser skilled/ranked division.
Check the division you prefer on the registration form. Ranking from last year’s league standings is helpful in determining which division your team will play in. Silver teams scoring one of the top two places the previous year are required to join the Gold Division.
- Silver Division Games: A match is 3 games to 25, capping at 26 with rally scoring. If time is running out on the 3rd game, the game is to 15. All serves must be underhand unless BOTH TEAMS agree to overhand serving before the game.
- Gold Division Games: A match is 5 games to 25, capping at 26 with rally scoring. If time is running out the 4th & 5th game is to 15. The match of 5 games may need to be decreased to 3 games depending on how many teams sign up to play in the division. Serves may be overhand or underhand with no agreement between teams.
Each team plays with 6 players. There must be a minimum of 2 men & 2 women. Any less than 4 players, your team will forfeit. A maximum of 3 men can play at a time. Teams must have an equal or greater number of women on the court. Teams may pick up to 2 players if agreed upon by the opposing team. Teams must have at least 4 original roster players in order to compete.
The league tentatively starts on 6/3/24 & ends on 7/29/24. Play downs begin 8/5/24. Games are played on Monday evenings and Tuesdays if needed.
Games will start on time, teams are penalized for arriving late: 5 minutes late = 4 points, 10 minutes late = 6 points, 15 minutes late = 1 game, 20 minutes late = forfeit match.
Wins and losses: Team captain/manager is responsible for e-mailing or texting the wins and losses by the following day of game: bmaruska@ci.chisholm.mn.us or 218-969-6408
Cancellation of Games: due to weather or other circumstances, a team captain must contact the opposing team captain. Notify the Parks and Recreation Department with cancellations. A rain-check rescheduled game can be made if both teams agree.
Playoffs: Playoffs are single elimination games and take place the one or two Mondays following the league's season game schedule, depending on how quickly the elimination games occur. During playoffs, teams should only play until a majority win ratio is reached. (Ex. Silver League: if a team wins the first two games, the third game should not be played.) Teams should play to the full 25 points if a tie is in place.
The top one to two winning teams (depending on number of teams in each league) from each league are awarded prizes.
Spiked Serve: A receiving player cannot block or spike a serve. A back-row player can’t spike from the front row.
Net: A player cannot touch the net. Net serves are allowed.
No Umpires: All teams will use the HONOR SYSTEM to make the calls.
Prohibited: Glass containers and alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the Memorial Park.
Garbage: Teams are required to make sure they have not left any garbage after each game.
Any rules not indicated on this page are negotiable. Before teams begin play, captains should convene to agree on desired rules they wish to implement. More beach volleyball rules found here.
Registration due NO LATER THAN 12:00PM May 24, 2024.
Registration Online HERE
Team Roster/Waiver/Release of Liability ↓