Chisholm Public Utilities/ Commission
Chisholm Public Works
Supervisor Larry Folstad
Phone: (218) 254-7920
Cell: (218) 969-5538
Chisholm Public Utilities
Public Utility Clerk Denise Kealy
Phone: (218) 254-7905
E-mail: dkealy@ci.chisholm.mn.us
The Public Utilities Commission meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 9:00 am at Chisholm City Hall. If you would like to get more information on meetings or your water bill, please call 254-7905.
Facts on Water
They say: Water Costs Money. Don't waste it! Well read the following bit of information and you will know too!
A continuous leak from a hole this size would, over a 3 month period, waste water in the amounts shown: Based upon 70psi.
1/4" Diameter stream wastes 1,181,500 gals.
3/16" Diameter stream wastes 666,000 gals.
1/8" Diameter stream wastes 296,000 gals.
1/16" Diameter stream wastes 74,000 gals.
- Before you get your next water bill, check the handout "Water Meter Guide" in the list below.